Scary birth thoughts....

Shei • First time mommy from Puerto Rico! Vet tech and an early childhood education teacher (K-3rd). Animal lover
So....Im a FTM, 38.3 days. My SO and I took birth classes and him and my mom are my coaches. He is sweet and cares but lately he seems to get on my nerves. He keeps implying WE are giving birth and that people at work ask him all the time if he has given birth yet. This stupid phrase angers the living shit/poo out of me since we are NOT giving birth, I am and the phrase feels as if its trivializing all I will feel both physically as well as emotionally. Is as silly as saying "we are breastfeeding" when he cant do that either. He knows how I feel yet continues to use it. Its little things such as this that make me think I might kill him in labor day. He cares but we had issues concerning the shower as he thought it was more of a "invite anyone who ever grew up with you, works with you or asks you about the baby regardless of: space and wheter or not I know them". It became a huge issue since my mom (who offered) was trowing it in her house alonside my best friends from 21 years came from Egypt to be here with me. We both had a limit of guests we could invite and I told him from the very beggining it was an intimate affair mostly family and close ones. At one point he wanted to invite 3 old ladies from his work place who asked how the pregnancy was going? I told him I had thank you cards and that any and all gifts were welcome but said day, I wanted family and close ones only, not random weird people I have never met. His reply was always "oh, but they care, how are they going to feel?" Instead of thinking how his pregant 8 month old wife would feel. This was an issue for a month. I told him I didnt want the same issue at the hospital. That regardless of vaginal or c-section, I would only wanna see his parenths and mine during those two days. I know chances are I will be in pain, learning how to breastfeed and midly unconfortable so chances are I dont wanna see his buddies or far away family I barely know. I think they can all wait till baby and I are more settled. Besides, newborns are not toys, people should wait to see them till mom is settled, right? Am I asking fir too much? I mean, at the end I shouldn't care cause I can just tell hospital staff my feelings and they will control visitos but I wish he could just get it on his own. Any thoughts?